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The essentials

The visit is riddled with details unique to Salies in spaces such as these :

The model of the City of salt :


This model is a scale model of the heart of Salies in 19th century. Its precision and visual 3D projection make this attraction a treasure for everybody.

Maquette utopique de la Cité du Sel

Why is there salt in Salies ?


For professionals and amateurs, this area concentrates on geology collections of Salies.

Collections géologiques de Salies-de-Béarn

The salt manufacturer's workshop :


Reproduction of a salt workshop. It was used when shareholders exploited salt-water in Salies houses.

Atelier du façonneur de sel

The spa bath cubicle :


This reproduction highlights the Moorish architecture of the spa, and is also the testimony of the bathers.

Cabine de bain thermal
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