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Book of souvenirs in the Salt Museum


Here are several extracts from the visitors' book. Why not leave your own comment via internet ?

We have enjoyed our visit very much... The explaination of the history of salt extraction was fascinating. Many thanks


26th september 2018

A very interesting exposition and very helpful guides.


28th august 2018

Thank you for the tour and information on history of the Salt. Beautiful area to explore.


Peter & Patricia - Minnesota

This museum capture the unique history of this sophisticated ville. Everyone who works here demonstrate their pride & love and always make a visit a joy.

Thank you all ! With deep appreciation,


Vicky & Tom - California

Interesting museum.


Janet - England

Musée du Sel et des Traditions Béarnaises

Association des Amis du Vieux Salies


14 rue des Puits Salants

64270 Salies-de-Béarn, France



05 59 65 84 98


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